Yuri Vladimirovich Pugachov
was born on March 16, 1933 in Novosibirsk. He never saw his father. Mother even kept his name in secret for some time. These were the hard times of Stalin repressions. His mother, an ordinary semi-educated woman, who had to face all the difficulties of life, tried to put in her son everything she could, for she loved him beyond all limits. She continually encouraged Yuri's passion for drawing. When six years old Yuri already knew he was going to be a painter. After graduation from school, he moved to Leningrad (now Saint-Ptersburg). In 1959 he graduated from the Faculty of Monumental and Decorative Painting (The Leningrad V. Mukhina Higher Arts-and-Industrial School). During these years ballet was his passion. He was attracted by the sheer beauty of this type of art and so he worked as an arts teacher in Vaganova Higher School of Ballet for some time. During these years he has done a lot of portraits of ballet-dancers. Some of these people later became quite famous, some didn't. His love for ballet remained until his very death. Yuri's great talent allowed him to work in many different genres. He did everything: frescos, mosaics, stained-glass panels, sculpture, monuments, portraits, paintings, easel and book graphics, applied arts, design of ship, cafe and restaurant interiors, church paintings, movie and theatre production design etc. A member of Artists' Union of Russia since 1972. Yuri's works are in many private collections and galleries of Germany, Japan, Finland, France, Hungary, Poland, Italy, the United Kingdom, Syria, Sweden, the United States of America. Yuri Pugachov died of cancer in 1998.
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